OHFLYER Aviation Technology Co.,Ltd

Aircrofis and airports database

Aircraft position tracking, reasonable choice

Find the nearest aircraft for you to simplify your trip arrangement

Tracking the global aircraft based on travel demand

Global airport database
Choose the appropriate airport to optimize the trip

Aircraft parking, hanger usage coordination
Efectively solve the aircraft parking. hangar usage, permit/slot application etc.

Groundling handling database

To meet all your demand with our expectations

Worldwide airports ground handling information

Provide quality service

Covering the global airports ground services, tracking the ground situation of each landing airport, providing corresponding services

Aircraft parts tracking

With aircraft movement tracking to make everything under control

Flight time and mileage estimation

Flight route tracking and trip cost calculation

Online platform to track and monitor the movement of the aircraft

Aircraft asset analysis and valuation

Transfer big data assets into your private assets

Establish single aircraft database, combined with global industry data to understand the real state of the aircraft

Aviation specilications and regulations

Information managemen, instant respond

Information management system accelerate the response speed of each link

Establish ERP management system to form a good business data specification
On the basis of information technology, improve supply chain management in a more systematic mode
Conduct a full range of intelligent data management for employees and business